West Sussex County Council
The Council invites proposals from Service Providers able to provide services for adults and/or children & young people in respect of the above named contract. The following services are included in the contract:
i. a supported living service where care/support is delivered in an accommodation based service and where some support is shared and may include 24 hour support. (Services for Adults and/or children & young people).
ii. an outreach support service where care/support is offered but where there is no shared support eg the customer is living with parents/carers or living alone. (Services for Adults and/or children & young people).
iii. Shared Lives which is care / support provided to customers in their own home by individuals, couples or families assessed and approved by a CQC registered provider. Support provided can be Short Break/Respite, Long term or Day Time arrangements. (Services to Adults only).
iv. A Live In service delivering care/support where the carer has their own living space in the customer's home and the customer will usually require 24 hour care. (Services to Adults only).
Services are split into four lots over three geographical areas and Providers are able to apply for any combination that they wish. The Council would especially welcome proposals from Providers able to offer services for children and young people.
Closing date 15/08/18
Newcastle City Council
Newcastle City Council are looking to tender for a new Housing with Care Framework. Housing with Care services provide flexible care and support to enable people to lead independent, fulfilling lives for as long as possible.
This Framework Agreement is for adults aged 55 or above, with the exception of clients with early dementia related illnesses, in which case the age criteria may be waived. Adults will be resident within the City of Newcastle and be assessed as eligible to receive care under Care Act 2014 following a needs assessment. The Framework Agreement is made up with the following two lots:
• Lot 1 Generalist Extra Care Housing; and
• Lot 2 Cognitive and Dementia Type Symptoms.
Deadline 17.08.2018
For more information visit the www.nepoportal.org website for the necessary documentation.
Havering Borough Council
Active Homecare Framework (Domiciliary Care) Active Homecare Framework (AHF) is the name for a new type framework (this process is known under EU Procurement law as a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)) which is a variation to the standard framework agreement. The AHF concerns the provision of homecare only. It allows for a number of Providers to be appointed to deliver services of a similar nature (homecare) by successfully completing an evaluation process. It is active in that Providers are able to join the framework at any time by successfully completing the evaluation process.
Deadline: Monthly deadlines
London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham would like to invite Potential Providers to participate in the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of Extra Care Housing (ECH) services across three boroughs (The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council).
The Services will provide accommodation based care and support to enable mostly (but not exclusively) older people to develop or maintain their independence, minimise the risk of social exclusion and improve their quality of life, thus preventing loss of home or tenancy and significant reduction in the use of more institutional forms of care.
The DPS will be established for an initial ten year period, with the option to extend for a further five year period.
Each Authority will commission in line with local needs. Potential Providers may apply for admission to one or more Lots.
Three Lots will be established; one Lot for each Authority’s local geographical area.
Lot 1: London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
Lot 2: The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Lot 3: Westminster City Council
Regular 'Round' Deadlines to 2033
Stockton Metropolitan Borough Coucil
The Council is tendering for a Support at Home Ethical Flexible Procurement System. Support at home is a crucial element in being able to retain and maintain people's independence for as longa s possible, to support carers, and to reduce and delay the need for more intensive forms of support including hospital and care home admissions. As emphasised in the key objectives of the Commissioning Strategy. The Council is committed to introducing an ethical flexible procurement system (FPS) for support at home which includes; continuous quality development, a closer alignment of support at home with locality teams and a greater emphasis on wellbeing and opportunities for more flexible support packages. The FPS will enhance person centred care in which more people are enabled to seek wider circles of support (reducing long term dependence) but also more people are attracted to work the care profession (helping to increase supply).
Closing: 1/8/2018
Link: https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert?advertId=c72df478-fc58-e811-80eb-005056b64545
London Borough of Ealing
The London Borough of Ealing is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of Care Home and Support Living Placement Services. This will cover services in the following categories: Category 1 – Care Home Placements (Priced) Older People (50 plus), Dementia (18 plus), End of Life Care (18 plus) Category 2 – Care Home Placements (Non-Priced) Physical Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Autism, Mental Health (including Forensic History), Sensory Impairment (Including Deaf / Blind), Korsakoffs Syndrome, Brain Injury / Neurological Conditions, HIV / AIDs Category 3 – CQC Regulated Supported Living Placements (Non-Priced) Older People (50 plus)Physical Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Autism, Mental Health (including Forensic History), Sensory Impairment (Including Deaf / Blind), Korsakoffs Syndrome, Brain Injury / Neurological Conditions, HIV / AIDs Category 4 – Non CQC Regulated Supported Living Placements (Non-Priced) Older People (50 plus)Physical Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Autism, Mental Health (including Forensic History), Sensory Impairment (Including Deaf / Blind), Korsakoffs Syndrome, Brain Injury / Neurological Conditions, HIV / AIDs
Deadline: 31st August 2020
Hounslow Borough Council
The Hounslow Homecare contract is jointly commissioned by the Authority and Hounslow CCG (HCCG). The core purpose of this home care service is to enable adults (aged 18+) to live more independent and healthier lives by giving them greater choice and control over their care and support options, maximising their social support systems and strengthening support in the community. The service will provide personal care, house cleaning and shopping services to residents with non complex conditions in addition to medication support (both prompting and administering) to those residents assessed as requiring medication support in their place of residence. Main providers will be required to operate an out of hours services on a rotational basis in order to facilitate hospital discharges over weekends and bank/public holidays.
Deadline: Rolling
Hillingdon Borough Council
The Council and the CCG are seeking to commission Home Care Spot Packages under the following (four) 4 'Home Care Tiers' via the DPS:
• Home Care Tier 1 - non specialist care - basic tasks such as prompting to take medication, assistance with personal care tasks, meal preparation and assistance with eating/ drinking;
• Home Care Tier 2 - non-specialist care - as above but also including administration of medication, use of feeding tubes, more complex moving and handling;
• Home Care Tier 3 - specialist care - administration of medication using specialist techniques, care for people with ventilator dependency; and
• Home Care Tier 4registered nursing specialist care - support that must be provided by a registered nurse.
Deadline: 25th October 2019
Somerset County Council
We are seeking interest from organisations that would like to provide Homecare services in Somerset. This contract will be for the provision of Homecare services for both adults and children who have been assessed eligible for social care support, Continuing Health Care Long Term Conditions, and End of Life (The intention is for End of Life to become part of this contract over the next 18 months).
Deadline: 31st March 2021
Six east London boroughs (Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Newham, Redbridge, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest)
A quality assurance system for providers who wish to offer services to individuals who manage their own care and support arrangements via a direct payment or cash personal budget.
If your quality assurance application is successful you will be awarded the Ensuring Quality mark. In Tower Hamlets this is a pre-requisite for being added to the Tower Hamlets Community Catalogue.
In other boroughs this may be different but the basic principle is that once you have the quality mark this is accepted within each borough. The catalogue is the directory of support and care services for adults; this is used by anyone looking for a service provider that has been either commissioned or quality assured.
Rolling Deadline
Sunderland City Council
Sunderland City Council is establishing a Flexible Procurement Agreement for care and support services that will include the provision of personal care and support at home and auxiliary care and support services.
The Flexible Procurement Agreement will cover personal care and support at home and auxiliary care and support service provision for individuals who:
• Are aged 18 years and over, and
• Are living within their own homes, and
• Who have care and support needs arising as a result of frailty; a physical disability; a sensory impairment; a mental health need, including dementia/cognitive impairment and a learning disability including autism and challenging behaviour)
• Have been assessed by the Council as being eligible under the Care Act 2014 for care and support and whose care is funded full, or in part by the Local Authority
Interested parties may express an interest and submit a tender in response to the ITT from 20th June 2018.
Deadline: 30/09/2028
For more see here https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert/Index?advertId=59b84e37-8470-e811-80ed-005056b64545
London Borough of Ealing
The DPS is being established to ensure that the Authority can access cost effective, sustainable home care and intermediate care services.
The DPS is divided into 3 key categories:
* Category 1 – Standard Personal Care & Home Support Services for Adults in the Community.
* Category 2 – Complex Needs Services for Adults in the Community.
* Category 3 - Intermediate Care Services (Home Care Reablement).
Deadline 31st March 2021
Lot 1 -The Greens Abstinence-Based Supported Accommodation Service;
Lot 2 - Citywide Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Recovery Visiting Service
Lot 1 - The abstinence-based supported accommodation service is for people who are homeless and are in recovery from alcohol and/ or illicit drug misuse. The service provides non-clinical support with 24-hour on-site cover to assist people to sustain recovery and live independently. The service is provided in a purpose built building owned by South Yorkshire Housing Association Ltd (SYHA) and the provider acts as a managing agent.
Lot 2 - The drug and alcohol prevention and recovery visiting service is a citywide visiting support service for people (singles, couples and families) with current or previous substance misuse who are in a vulnerable housing situation. The service is non-clinical and will support service users to prevent homelessness, sustain accommodation and engage or re-engage in treatment services or build recovery.
Deadline 6.08.2018
See more here: https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert/Index?advertId=aea54433-2b85-e811-80ed-005056b64545
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